As a cat lover, you might have experienced the strange behavior of your feline friend bringing you toys at night. You might have woken up to find your cat meowing loudly with a toy in its mouth, as if it wants to show you something. This behavior might seem cute and endearing, but have you ever wondered why your cat does this?

There are several reasons why cats bring their owners toys at night. Some theories suggest that cats are trying to bond with their owners, while others suggest that it might be a sign of their hunting instincts. In this article, we will explore the different reasons why your cat brings you toys at night and what you can do to encourage or discourage this behavior. So, let’s dive in and find out what your furry friend might be trying to tell you!

Why Does My Cat Bring Me Toys at Night?

Why Does My Cat Bring Me Toys at Night?

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night to find your cat bringing you a toy? Or maybe you’ve come home from work to find a pile of toys waiting for you at the door. While it may seem like a strange behavior, there are several reasons why cats do this.

Instinctual Behavior

Cats are natural hunters and bringing prey back to their den is a natural instinct. Even though your cat may not need to hunt for food, their instincts are still strong. Bringing toys to you is a way for your cat to show off their hunting skills and offer you a “gift.”

Another instinctual behavior is marking their territory. Cats have scent glands on their faces and paws, and by bringing toys to you, they are marking you as their territory. It’s their way of showing ownership and affection towards you.

Attention Seeking Behavior

Cats are social animals and enjoy interaction with their human companions. By bringing toys to you, they are seeking attention and playtime. It’s their way of initiating play and bonding with you.

It’s important to give your cat the attention and playtime they crave. This will not only strengthen your bond but also provide mental and physical stimulation for your furry friend.

Benefits of This Behavior

While it may seem like a nuisance to have your cat bringing toys to you at night, there are actually several benefits to this behavior. It shows that your cat trusts and loves you, and they want to share their toys and hunting skills with you.

Playing with your cat and their toys can also provide great bonding and exercise opportunities. It’s a great way to keep your cat active and healthy, both mentally and physically.

Toy Choices

Not all toys are created equal when it comes to your cat’s preference. Some cats prefer toys that mimic their natural prey, such as small mice or birds, while others prefer toys that are interactive and require your participation.

Experiment with different types of toys to see what your cat prefers. You may find that they have a specific toy that they always bring to you.

Toy Safety

It’s important to ensure that the toys your cat brings to you are safe for them to play with. Avoid toys with small parts that can be easily chewed or swallowed, and never allow your cat to play with string or ribbon as these can be dangerous if ingested.

Regularly inspect your cat’s toys for wear and tear, and replace them if they become damaged. This will ensure that your cat can continue to enjoy their playtime safely.

Alternatives to Nighttime Playtime

While playing with your cat is important, you may not want to engage in playtime during the middle of the night. If your cat is waking you up with their toy-bringing behavior, there are a few alternatives you can try.

Consider leaving out a special toy for your cat to play with at night. This will give them something to do without disturbing your sleep. You can also provide your cat with interactive toys that they can play with on their own, such as puzzle feeders or scratching posts.

Toy Rotation

Cats can become bored with their toys if they are constantly available to them. Consider rotating your cat’s toys every few weeks to keep them interested and engaged. This will also prevent your cat from becoming too attached to one particular toy.

Rotating toys can be as simple as putting some toys away and bringing out different ones. You can also try hiding toys around the house for your cat to discover.

Toy Vs. Real Prey

While bringing toys to you is a natural instinct for cats, it’s important to remember that they are still predators at heart. Providing your cat with opportunities to hunt and play with real prey, such as toy mice or laser pointers, can be a great way to satisfy their natural instincts.

However, it’s important to remember that cats should never be allowed to hunt real prey outside. This can be dangerous for the prey as well as your cat.


In conclusion, your cat’s toy-bringing behavior may seem strange, but it’s actually a natural instinct and a way for them to bond with you. By understanding why cats do this and providing them with safe and engaging toys, you can strengthen your bond and provide mental and physical stimulation for your furry friend.

Frequently Asked Questions

As a cat owner, you may have noticed your feline friend bringing you toys at night. While this behavior may seem odd, it is actually quite common in cats. Here are some questions and answers to help you understand why your cat is doing this.

Why does my cat bring me toys at night?

There are a few reasons why your cat may bring you toys at night. One reason is that they may be bored and want to play. Cats are most active at night, so they may be looking for a playmate. Another reason is that they may be trying to show you affection. Cats often bring gifts, such as toys or prey, to their owners as a way of showing love and appreciation.

If your cat is bringing you toys at night, try setting aside some time each day to play with them. This will give them the attention and stimulation they need, and may reduce their desire to bring you toys at night.

Should I be concerned if my cat brings me toys at night?

No, there is no need to be concerned if your cat brings you toys at night. As mentioned earlier, this behavior is quite common in cats and is often a sign of affection. However, if your cat is bringing you toys excessively or seems to be engaging in other unusual behavior, it may be a good idea to consult with your veterinarian.

They can help you determine if there is an underlying health issue or if your cat is simply seeking attention.

What should I do if my cat wakes me up at night with toys?

If your cat is waking you up at night with toys, try to remain calm and avoid scolding them. This will only confuse and upset them. Instead, gently remove the toy from their mouth and place it somewhere else. You can also try giving them a different toy to play with or redirecting their attention with some playtime.

It is important to establish a consistent routine with your cat to help them understand when it is time to play and when it is time to rest. This may help reduce their desire to bring you toys at night.

What kind of toys should I give my cat?

Cats enjoy a variety of toys, including balls, stuffed animals, and interactive toys. It is important to choose toys that are safe for your cat to play with and that do not pose a choking hazard. Avoid toys with small parts or strings that your cat could swallow.

You can also make your own toys for your cat, such as a cardboard box or paper bag. These simple toys can provide hours of fun for your feline friend.

Is it okay to play with my cat at night?

Yes, it is okay to play with your cat at night. As mentioned earlier, cats are most active at night and may be looking for a playmate. However, it is important to establish a consistent routine with your cat to help them understand when it is time to play and when it is time to rest.

Try to avoid playing with your cat right before bedtime, as this may lead to them being overly active and disruptive at night. Instead, schedule playtime earlier in the evening and provide your cat with a quiet and comfortable sleeping area.

Why Does My Cat Bring Me Toys at Night? 2

What Does It Mean When A Cat Brings You A Toy?

As a professional writer, I understand the importance of answering questions that pique our curiosity. The behavior of our feline friends is no exception. Why does your cat bring you toys at night? While cats are known for their peculiar behaviors, this one has a simple explanation. Your cat sees you as a member of their pride and is bringing you a gift.

In the wild, cats bring prey back to their den to share with their family. By bringing you a toy, your cat is displaying their affection and trust for you. It is their way of thanking you for being part of their family. So, the next time your cat brings you a toy at night, remember that it is a sign of their love and appreciation for you.